
Tried to blog yesterday and could'nt get in! Hey all you guys, take it easy, eh?! LOL! Of course, I can't even remember what I was going to post, so what's the point!?! Anyway . . . . pretty interesting happenings over here. Well for us anyway. We are in the process of adding on to our house. Have been for about 3 years now. Long story there. Anyway, we are now ready to wrap and stucco the addon, but were afraid we wouldn't have the money to do it right now. Guy came last night with a great price, we hired him (based on the price and the work we'd seen him do down the street from us) and he was supposed to call my dh to schedule it. Well, at 8 am this morning, there he is dropping off supplies and they are out there hammering as I type. I have real mixed feeling about this. On the one hand, I am so glad to see this going forward - kind of feels like the downhill slide, you know? On the other hand, I was less than thrilled to answer the door in my nightgown to see the delivery guy wondering where to drop the wire rolls. (I know I know, but I'm pregnant and we homeschool, so there isn't *usually* the need to be up and dressed by 8 am.) But, its done now and why complain? I'll be laughing about it by tomorrow probably. We'll see.