
Not my best work - not really my usual style, but I had a blast doing this new set. Well, I have mouseovers and animated graphics on this page so it takes a bit longer to load and it seems like the animation slows down the mouseovers? Oh well, it's just "art", right? Does it always have to be functional? Di says, "NO!" Anyway, here is a link to an another animated version of the header. It slowed the page too much.


OK - long story short. I was looking for some graphics. Instead, found a cool jewelry site, called Becki Beads. The site is a bit of a maze, but I want one of these "bags". I love the silver and garnet one the best. Wish I could do stuff like this!!!


I just found a wonderful source of scrapbook clip art. You have to check it out. Leaves of Time. I am going to print some of these out and use them right away!
I am so frustrated! I have two really goofy cute sets in the idea stage - one more done than the other, but I can't devote the time to them that I want! That's the problem with graphics creation for me. Once I get the idea, I can't hardly stand it till it is posted and done! Argh! It's like I am afraid I will forget it or something. And it is so goofy. While I have found someone using my sets recently (thanks to Jenn) I still think this is so silly. There are so many more valuable things to do, but few as fun or engrossing! Now if I could just find time to learn more java scripts and dhtml - I'd really have a blast!! Oh well. On that subject, I wish I could program as well. I have the coolest idea for a homeschool planner program, but can't get my dh to give it time. Not to cast him in a bad light, he is programming or supervising same nearly 12 hours a day. On his off time he takes care of his dad's finances (including apartments), is making a crib for the baby, and, lest I forget, adding on to our house! Can you blame him? I can't . But I'm still bummed!

I just got really good news. (Dh will be less thrilled. Guess why?) Our friend who has a server and is hosting (free) The Homeschool Review and Sweet Remembrance for me is going to keep his server. In fact, just upgraded to a Pentium III and has 10 GB's available. So (here's where the dh comes in) I am going to pay him at the Cyberwings price because ot's just the right thing (actually, he said I could name my price!!!) and set up all of my domains and have a blast. I will have to limit myself to a certain number of hours per week, one site at a time. Rigdonia.com here we come! I got my domains last year with GoDaddy at about $7 a pop. Watch for more of The Homeschool Review, Rigdonia, Kaitlin's Krafts, and The Homeschool Plan-It!! But don't hold your breath, I'm slow!

Just got back from Costco - yummmmm . . . . muffins! Gotta go munch!


Okay . . . so I'm on a roll ( or in a rut?!) but I just created yet another floral set. Take a look.


Made two new sets this weekend- Tiger Lily and Icelandic Poppy. I am lovin' the flowers, man! It must be spring fever! At least I am not going shopping! That could be dangerous. Well, I have done a bit of shopping via the internet. I found a great deal on the entire Chronicles of Narnia hardbound into one book for $29 at Amazon(used). May not be the cheapest, but it came like new and was less than the $90 for the individual hardcover books and my son is loving the color format. The cover has a color version of the map of Narnia. I think he looks on that as much as he reads! He loves this book. Someone has been reading Narnia in our house for nearly a year now! He reads a few pages every night before he goes to bed. It is his first literature blitz. If he's anything like me, they'll keep coming as he grows. I couldn't get enough of great stories - Little Women, Little House, and so many more I can't list them here. Right now we are reading aloud a funny book called Miss Pickerell Goes to the Moon. Very funny!

In one of my yahoogroups, the ladies got into a husband bashing session. It went back and forth for awhile - "my husband's worser than yours" etc. then the rest of us had to say, hold it! It seems that one of the reasons these ladies have problems is because of their attitudes. I said, "I defend the wives need to have a shoulder to cry on, but I do feel very uncomfortable with this thread. I have complaints, too, (who doesn't - LOL!?!) but I sure wouldn't want my husband bashing my character to a group of 600+ strangers without my knowledge or ability to respond. If that happened to me, it would seem unfair and demeaning. [i.e. NOT honoring our husbands the way we are told.] While I do need the occasional opportunity to talk out my issues, for me, this group isn't the place. No offense ladies! Just my opinion for the record." One of the ladies had an excellent post in response to to the "mayhem". On the "Husbands" thread, I would like to say only the following: Ephesians 5:22, Genesis 2:18,Proverbs 12:4, 1 Corinthians 7:13-16, Matthew 7:1-5, Titus 3:2-3, Titus 2:4-5. Now, I don't claim to be perfect. On the contrary, I was sorely tempted to join in on the bashing. Glad I didn't. These verses would have been even more convicting!!! LOL! Thank you Lord. As I read through these verses, I realize that this was a much better way to respond - my opinion doesn't matter . . . only God's "opinion" does. Next time.

Henry is so proud. He lost a tooth eating Dewars Chews yesterday and didn't have all the drama. We had no idea it was ready to come out. So, if you need a solution, I suggest apples or Dewars Chews Follow the link - you'll never be sorry!

Kaitlin just alarmed in with a stuffy emergency . . . her rooster (homemade from now departed Grandma Terri) needs major surgery! Got to grab my medical bag and jump in the ambulance. Bye!


I actually did it. I got my husband to go semi-cultural yesterday. We went to see Riverdance! It was actually fun and pretty long. We had the nosebleed seats, and brought some hunting binoculars that my FIL gave to my son. It was really cool to watch their feet flipping around on stage. I was first surprised at the smaller group - starts of with around 20 people or so. I guess I am a bit spoiled by the Riverdance I've seen on TV. Then I was surprised at the musical quality. I thought at first that much of the sound was pre-recorded and I was getting ready to feel gypped. When the show first starts, everything is behind a screen. Then the screen rises and still, no musicians. Well into the show, another screen lifts and there they are. Real musicians and they were hot. The Riverdance Singers were especially an inspiration to me. I love choral music and like to sing myself in a local group, Bakersfield Masterworks Chorale. A few years ago, during our June dinner concert/auction, we did a few numbers from Riverdance. I had a solo - Riverdance(Uisce Beatha) . We also performed Lift the Wings, Home in the Heartland, and Shivna. I really have a love for this kind of music. This was really a fun show to see live - several of the dance numbers feed off of the audience, such as the bit between three riverdance men and three tappers. They have a dance-off, so to speak, similar to a sequence in the Riverdance tv show. Very funny. Henry hogged the binoculars and Kaitlin went from whiney to boogie to sleepy in the two plus hours we were there. All in all a fun experience. Afterwards, we visited a local icecream/candy shop for a fun surprise. Way to go, Dad!