
I am so frustrated! I have two really goofy cute sets in the idea stage - one more done than the other, but I can't devote the time to them that I want! That's the problem with graphics creation for me. Once I get the idea, I can't hardly stand it till it is posted and done! Argh! It's like I am afraid I will forget it or something. And it is so goofy. While I have found someone using my sets recently (thanks to Jenn) I still think this is so silly. There are so many more valuable things to do, but few as fun or engrossing! Now if I could just find time to learn more java scripts and dhtml - I'd really have a blast!! Oh well. On that subject, I wish I could program as well. I have the coolest idea for a homeschool planner program, but can't get my dh to give it time. Not to cast him in a bad light, he is programming or supervising same nearly 12 hours a day. On his off time he takes care of his dad's finances (including apartments), is making a crib for the baby, and, lest I forget, adding on to our house! Can you blame him? I can't . But I'm still bummed!

I just got really good news. (Dh will be less thrilled. Guess why?) Our friend who has a server and is hosting (free) The Homeschool Review and Sweet Remembrance for me is going to keep his server. In fact, just upgraded to a Pentium III and has 10 GB's available. So (here's where the dh comes in) I am going to pay him at the Cyberwings price because ot's just the right thing (actually, he said I could name my price!!!) and set up all of my domains and have a blast. I will have to limit myself to a certain number of hours per week, one site at a time. Rigdonia.com here we come! I got my domains last year with GoDaddy at about $7 a pop. Watch for more of The Homeschool Review, Rigdonia, Kaitlin's Krafts, and The Homeschool Plan-It!! But don't hold your breath, I'm slow!

Just got back from Costco - yummmmm . . . . muffins! Gotta go munch!