
Thought I would post this am since the kids are still sleeping - shhh - and I have been accused of having a life! The outrage!!! (wink @ Jenn.) LOL. The fact that I have nothing much to say should put those rumors to rest. I think I have gone into "waiting room" mode - you know - don't think too much about what you are waiting for or you start to go crazy? And I think it is getting pretty boring - baby this baby that. No new news. I am hyper-hoping the baby will flip to vertex position (not breech!) because I don't want a c-section. I am hoping that we can induce prior to June 1st (edd is June 2nd!) because our insurance is going to change, Yuck. I am thinking the mere mention of these things will banish me from belonging to this little blog community! lol. I have like 15 sets floating around in my mind, but don't have the time to work on them. I predict a major slow-down in set production after the bambino (-a?) and blogging will get pretty boring, too. All I see in my future is doctor appts. Oh Joy! I feel a good whine coming on - Boy, I need a dose of God's restful spirit this am - gonna go pray about it!