
The most intoxicating and deadly scent in the world came out to play last night. The orange trees are in blossom! A neighbor has a tree, so I get it in my backyard every spring. Not too far from here are some orange groves which, if driven through at nighttime, put off the loveliest scent! I can't describe it - let me try - spicy, citrus, but really really sweet and heavy, too. There's no aroma like it. And . . . it's a killer for the sinuses of poor folk like me who, in their "old age", developed allergies! Argh. So, it's a quick sniff, glory in it for oh . . . about a nanosecond . . . and run to the house and close all the windows! LOL!

Today is Good Friday. We aren't observing much today. We usually have afternoon services but are going to skip it this year. BAD MOMMA again! I'll have to make sure to take some time today to read the Easter Story from our favorite bible story book - I have such a time, though, separating the eggs and bunnies from the all important sacrifice. Maybe I'll discuss them as symbols of renewal? Not a terrible idea. Now . . . how to explain renewal to a 4 year old. Hmmm . . . . .