
I just have to blog this: Kids are into Star Wars today. So we have some 1/2" dowels that the kids have been pretending are light sabers. Today, they decided to paint them, so we have light sabers tearing up the living room and paint dripping from everything [editors prerogative to exaggerate]. Then dd comes to me with her blanket - "Tie this mom, I'm Darf Vader!" So I find a way to clip it gently around her. Later, she comes to me with a dixie cup and says, "Mom, make me a pig nose so I can be Pig Vader!" As I live an breathe, my daughter is in the living room, watching star wars, wearing her blanket and a dixie cup/pipe cleaner/shaprie augmented pig nose! LOL! LOL! LOL! This is especially funny because she has a cold and sounds like Elmer Fudd. Oink oink. Oh no . . . Now she's Pig Solo. I am not going to get any work done today, I can tell. =~D