
Rigdonia Graphics
It's terrible. For the last WEEK++ me and the kids have either been parked in front of the TV or the computer. We are so sick. Kaitlin is just coming to the end of needing breathing treatments several times a day. Henry just went to the md yesterday with a ruptured . . . yes, that's right, RUPTURED!! eardrum from the ear infection we didn't know he had. I am coughing so bad that my poor pregnant tummy is just killing me. And I won't mention the many other indignities that I must bear as a pregnant woman who coughs and or sneezes about every 30 seconds!!! And now, dh has a scratchy throat. Argh! On the brighter side, in between sinus headaches, I have been able to concentrate on making sets. I can only stand to sit in front of the TV for so long, watching cartoons, before I start to go batty!!! And I found a comments site that will take me so now I have comments on my blog - yay! Hope they start working a bit faster than last time I tried them!!


Beautiful Baby
Maybe this is silly. But anyway . . . surf over to my B-B-Baby Blog and follow today's link to enter our baby pool! Have fun and the prize will be . . . . . . hmmmm . . . . .the joy of having participated? ;-D

Oh yeah - made a new set last night. Long story. Pain in the but set. Mainly because I am so sick I can hardly see straight. Thankfully, I got it after the kids, so they can fend for themselves, sort of, for a few days. DH is feeling it, so he'll be next. Sterilize your screen after visiting my sites!! LOL!