
They're here! My Glassotica earrings! Wow are they gorgeous! Pretty quick service, too. Ordered on 6/9 and rec'd on 6/13!!! I might sleep in them. Cool.


HSLDA | http://www.townhall.com/columnists/phyllisschlafly/ps20020604.shtml

Had an opportunity to watch Last Call with Carson Daly and it was pretty good! (Don't ask why I was up. . .) but John Mayer was on - excellent music and excellent web site! Also a cool John Mayer E-card and a good price on his cd: John Mayer: MusicToday.com: Department I'm gonna buy this and wish I could see him live - on Last Call he woke me right up with a totally acoustic and hot performance of "Neon". Hey, for those of you interested, look around on his website and you'll find some cool wallpapers and a screensaver, too!

goo goo dolls - watched these guys on the today show recently and thought they were good, too, but now I'm thinking if I have to choose, it'll have to be John Mayer - sorry goo goos.


I have joined an illustrious list! Let's party!


Made a couple of sets. Fun. Serendipity Hacienda

Rediscovered my love of Robert Frost. Check out this poem and tell me if it doesn't hurt your heart!