This is so silly, really and I should get to work on my client site. But it is the 22nd for a little while longer and I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to my mommy. She would have been 64 today. Sure miss her. She was so witty and smart and moody and silly. We got along great . . . except when we didn't LOL! IT breaks my heart that she didn't get to know (and visa versa) my last two kids and Henry barely remembers her now. I have been a Christian for a long time now and have a great deal of faith in God's word and I believe that my mom is in His presence right now. It never shook my faith or anything like that, but I was so surprised at how much my being me depended on her being there to see it. I had no idea how central to my sense of self she was. Still to this day, 6 years later, I see things in those terms. I find myself wondering what she would think, or say, or do about this or that. I still wish I could drop by and see her. She'd be sitting on her couch with her little feet up watching crap on TV and doing some craft - maybe cross stitch or something. She loved miniatures and even made a dollhouse. She was my best friend - she takes the cake! Happy Birthday, MOM!
Having a blast learning CSS! Thanks to my generous friends at Graphic Goo. I haven't done anything real fancy yet, but it's cool anyway! Sorry my tagboard is out of commission for all of you happy taggers. I'll put it on my list, but I may not get to it for awhile, so you'll have to find fun somewhere else. Bummer.
Well, I am recovering. From my first experience in an online forum/club. I won't say who or give details because that could be hurtful. I have already said enough, me thinks, but I have a few thoughts that will feel good written down. When I started to feel uncomfortable about where the group was going, I tried to extricate myself gracefully. I think that failed. It is unfortunate because now there will be taking of sides and all of that 'stuff'. My decision (and the decision of others) to leave the group wasn't meant to be hurtful or judgemental in the sense that aren't we better than they, but rather, we can't agree on a fundamental issue, so we must leave. It's too bad folks took it personally. Sometimes timing is everything. That's all I have to say about that. (Thank you Forrest Gump.)