Made another set - kinda hippy-cool - Lovin' Life. I used an awesome background from Jenn's Jewelry. Took most of the afternoon and my visiting FIL says from the recliner - "What's she doing at that computer all day?" Good question, eh? LOL! I think it's better than watching some half-baked Arnold Swartzenegger movie from the 80's!!! Is that how you spell his name? The perfectionist in me wants to look it up, but I am refraining! Schwarzenegger - had to go look it up! I do like some of his movies, but this one . . . . . ?
Time to "show off" - I made another window cling for a friends birthday. Big surprise - I used another John Farge painting along with a quote from Proverbs 31. I can post this here because I am fairly certain she doesn't read my blog, but just in case . . . . Chris - do NOT click here until after your birthday!!! LOL!
So . . . for anyone following my baby blog, you'll know that I have been otherwise occupied for the last few days. I've been living in denial for the last month about my blood sugar, but it has caught up with me! So . . . I have been concentrating on eating less carbs and trying to be more active. No more midnight bowls of cereal for me! (Sounds nuts, but this was one of the cravings I was giving in to!) So anyway, small victory for me - I've gotten my fasting a.m. sugar down to 113 from 140 last Sunday! This will likely keep me off of the insulin - I go to the doctor later today to find out for sure. Although, since my husband is diabetic, as was my mom, I have a headstart in this area, but don't really want to have to shoot up, if you know what I mean!
I am also a pregnant raving lunatic and the silliest things get me so emotional! I have been on the "verge of divorce" (LOL! NOT) and the worst mother, and even let myself get bummed out about my graphic set entitled balloon because I found some graphics and had fun with them and the site I loaded them from had guidelines I didn't adhere to. (Not to mention I am creator of the longest run-on sentences!) She was very nice, but my hormones made it feel like a personal attack. Of course, reason won out and I obeyed her wishes and took the graphics down, because it was the right thing to do. Nevermind that I am pretty sure all of the graphics are in the public domain and copyright free. I will just have to locate them elsewhere so that I can get my set back up and still respect her site guidelines. That is why I decided long ago that I wasn't going to have a ton of guidelines and get stinky about copyright, etc. I like the linkware idea and think it makes the most sense with this type of graphic artistry. This woman has put up an excellent website and deserves credit for that, but she does not own the copyright to the images she has loaded to her site. But for now, I am being "nice". But she did lose the link from my site. Not that she needed it - LOL - she has excellent search engine placement!
On the home front - we are so excited because we have walls! Our thus 3 year long master suite/schoolroom addition to the house has now moved into the stucco phase! It is so cool to head out back and see actual stucco covered walls, instead of the glorified covered patio we've had for a couple of years! Next comes drywall and then we run out of money, have the baby, and suck it up until next tax season! Hoping by this time next year to be decorating! Woohoo!
Long post due to days of prego-preoccupation!
I am also a pregnant raving lunatic and the silliest things get me so emotional! I have been on the "verge of divorce" (LOL! NOT) and the worst mother, and even let myself get bummed out about my graphic set entitled balloon because I found some graphics and had fun with them and the site I loaded them from had guidelines I didn't adhere to. (Not to mention I am creator of the longest run-on sentences!) She was very nice, but my hormones made it feel like a personal attack. Of course, reason won out and I obeyed her wishes and took the graphics down, because it was the right thing to do. Nevermind that I am pretty sure all of the graphics are in the public domain and copyright free. I will just have to locate them elsewhere so that I can get my set back up and still respect her site guidelines. That is why I decided long ago that I wasn't going to have a ton of guidelines and get stinky about copyright, etc. I like the linkware idea and think it makes the most sense with this type of graphic artistry. This woman has put up an excellent website and deserves credit for that, but she does not own the copyright to the images she has loaded to her site. But for now, I am being "nice". But she did lose the link from my site. Not that she needed it - LOL - she has excellent search engine placement!
On the home front - we are so excited because we have walls! Our thus 3 year long master suite/schoolroom addition to the house has now moved into the stucco phase! It is so cool to head out back and see actual stucco covered walls, instead of the glorified covered patio we've had for a couple of years! Next comes drywall and then we run out of money, have the baby, and suck it up until next tax season! Hoping by this time next year to be decorating! Woohoo!
Long post due to days of prego-preoccupation!