
SO it's saturday. Woohoo. I coulda worked all day, but if I did, the kids would have just sat in front of the tv, so when the baby woke from his am nap, we made pbj's and headed to the park. Nice walk and had a pleasant time. On the way home we ran in to some sadness. A home that a nice older gentleman lived in is looking unkempt. That can only mean he is ill or worse. ;-( I feel bad that I don't even know his name. He was often outside when we would go to the park and just say hi to the kids. That's all.

Then, we went another block and wonderment! There were at least 20 or more butterflies hovering over the fence draped with some kind of flowering vine at the back of this one house. We stood there for 5 or 10 minutes just hoping one would land close by so we could see clearly. They were orange and black and white - like tissue paper flying. A couple of them buzzed us - flying all wonky - I am thinking they were freshly hatched! Wished I had a camera with me.

Good but stressful news: I have three potential clients on the line, and an article due for Graphic Goo and one for Pixelitas. What was I thinking? That'll be it for new stuff until after Christmas, I think. I need to concentrate on things here for awhile - birthday season and choir happenings and Thanksgiving and Christmas and finishing the house. We came up with the money to finish it early and so we are putting a rush on that to hopefully get done before Christmas! That is good then FIL can move in. Can't wait!


1. If you could only choose 1 cd to ever listen to again, what would it be?

This is really hard for me, but it would probably be GLAD: Acapella. It's inspirational spiritually and musically.

2. If you could only choose 2 movies to watch ever again, what would they be?

These are too hard. Little Women for the sheer poetry of it and Jackie Chan's Shanghai Noon because it's so stinkin' funny

3. If you could only choose 3 books to read ever again, what would they be?

Again with Little Women, the Bible for sure, and maybe and maybe a book of Robert Frost poetry.

4. If you could only choose 4 things to eat or drink ever again, what would they be?

chocolate, water (seriously), fresh albacore, and apples.

5. If you could only choose 5 people to ever be/talk/associate/whatever with ever again, who would they be?

Too easy - hubby and three kids. That leaves one extra. Hmmm . . . . my mom. yep.


Ooh boy got to chat with my bud Jenn this morning. What a fun way to spend the morning! LOL - we can't shut up long enough to notice the time whizzing by.


About My Grandpa

I hate not having him here cause I can't say good morning and good night to him.
He used to live in a motor home [in our driveway - long story] but somebody called the county on us.
It's fun having my papa living here.
I love my papa.
I can't wait until the room's done and he can move in again.
He comes and visits sometimes.
I hope he doesn't fall down while he's at home.
I wish he still lived here.
We love him.

Henry Rigdon


Well this is irritating - my bbbabyblog posts aren't updating!

Ian is 4 months old and had his shots today. =~( He was a trooper, though, and is weighing 18lbs 8 oz and is 26.5 inches long! I told you he was a chunky monkey! 97th percentile on both which is good - means his height and weight are proportionate. Cute as a bug.

We have a new game (excercise for his weaker/broken arm): I have him grab my fingers and I make race car sounds and pretend his arms are fanciful stick shifts and we just boogie. He loves it and now initiates the play on his own. Cute!


Anyone remember this?