Here's an adorable wallpaper I "built" after inspiration from my friends at Graphics Addicts and the great source, Pics.Am!

Yah Baby! 1024x768
Yah Baby! 1024x768
So to get things started on the homeschool front, we've been playing Kismet in the morning. Similar to Yahtzee, it's a dice game yada yada. The kids have fun: the younger learning to add, the older helping out and also writing various number sentences, one for each turn, based on the roll of the dice. Fun. A nice way to warm up to the math after a 3 month break. After two days, the older is starting to get bored, but likes it better than straight math, which is coming real soon. We'll work a bit more on reviewing/memorizing the multiplication tables, and then it's back to the book - oh division his fav. Not. He is so funny. On the one had he hates starting something new, gets so intimidated, but then is so proud that he's moved on to the next thing. Kinda funny.
On the designing front - found a great css tutorial. I am gonna larn thisun soon. I'll just add it to the list of half-finished web projects I've got going on. Yuck-yuck.
On the designing front - found a great css tutorial. I am gonna larn thisun soon. I'll just add it to the list of half-finished web projects I've got going on. Yuck-yuck.
Sickie-poo notwithstanding, I managed to upload some of the new Rigdonia Graphics layout - take a look-see!
Feeling a little under the weather right now, but had to blog this: I am now an official Graphic Addict!! Woohoo I am having some fun now!
In addition, we are starting our homeschool back up tomorrow. I regret having taken such a long break, and the kids watched WAY too much tv over the last few months, but it is going to be a bit tough to get back into the groove. We are using the Robinson Curriculum which is a self-teaching style - I am modeling the self-teaching thing with my web design. (Fun and a good example - great, now if I can just show a little self-discipline by not sitting here all day!!! We'll call that devotion to responsibility, right? ;-P) WE have already seen this work, but we are not doing all of the no tv, no computer, no sugar route. Maybe we should, but I just don't see it. I do try to limit these things, but I'm not sure they need to be completely eliminated. Boy this turned into a long post - I need to move this over to my homeschool blog. What blog, you say? Well I am planning on starting one. Watch for the link if you are interested. This will be a better managed extension of my homeschool notebook. You can see I am a bit behind on that puppy!
In addition, we are starting our homeschool back up tomorrow. I regret having taken such a long break, and the kids watched WAY too much tv over the last few months, but it is going to be a bit tough to get back into the groove. We are using the Robinson Curriculum which is a self-teaching style - I am modeling the self-teaching thing with my web design. (Fun and a good example - great, now if I can just show a little self-discipline by not sitting here all day!!! We'll call that devotion to responsibility, right? ;-P) WE have already seen this work, but we are not doing all of the no tv, no computer, no sugar route. Maybe we should, but I just don't see it. I do try to limit these things, but I'm not sure they need to be completely eliminated. Boy this turned into a long post - I need to move this over to my homeschool blog. What blog, you say? Well I am planning on starting one. Watch for the link if you are interested. This will be a better managed extension of my homeschool notebook. You can see I am a bit behind on that puppy!