I actually did it. I got my husband to go semi-cultural yesterday. We went to see Riverdance! It was actually fun and pretty long. We had the nosebleed seats, and brought some hunting binoculars that my FIL gave to my son. It was really cool to watch their feet flipping around on stage. I was first surprised at the smaller group - starts of with around 20 people or so. I guess I am a bit spoiled by the Riverdance I've seen on TV. Then I was surprised at the musical quality. I thought at first that much of the sound was pre-recorded and I was getting ready to feel gypped. When the show first starts, everything is behind a screen. Then the screen rises and still, no musicians. Well into the show, another screen lifts and there they are. Real musicians and they were hot. The Riverdance Singers were especially an inspiration to me. I love choral music and like to sing myself in a local group, Bakersfield Masterworks Chorale. A few years ago, during our June dinner concert/auction, we did a few numbers from Riverdance. I had a solo - Riverdance(Uisce Beatha) . We also performed Lift the Wings, Home in the Heartland, and Shivna. I really have a love for this kind of music. This was really a fun show to see live - several of the dance numbers feed off of the audience, such as the bit between three riverdance men and three tappers. They have a dance-off, so to speak, similar to a sequence in the Riverdance tv show. Very funny. Henry hogged the binoculars and Kaitlin went from whiney to boogie to sleepy in the two plus hours we were there. All in all a fun experience. Afterwards, we visited a local icecream/candy shop for a fun surprise. Way to go, Dad!