
So . . . had a good day today. Didn't feel so terrible or tired. Of course, I slept until 10 while the kids watched cartoons - I know I know BAD MAMMA - but I was so tired. My big boy Henry is so good at looking after his sissy! Lest you think I take advantage of him - he is just that way. He took care of me when I was pregnant with Kaitlin, too, making me breakfast on my tired mornings, which consisted of an over-filled bowl of corn flakes, but what can you expect from a 4 year old?! He is a sweetie. I am thinking he will make someone a wonderful husband someday! His Dad is like that, too, but tries to hide it because somewhere he got the idea it isn't manly to be so lovey, but I got him and I know the truth! Underneath the rough exterior is a marshmallow!!! Shhhhhhh. Don't tell.

Anyway, I went to Wallyworld and spent some money to get Henry a new shirt, and a few odds and ends. Fun but needed stuff, like a new curling iron. I cut my hair - ok . . . I went to the salon and had it cut . . . and needed a 1" iron to replace the one that exploded on me. (Hair turned out cute, btw. My hairdresser hates me but treats me good. Hates me, because I only cut my hair once a year to about chin length and then let it grow out until I can french braid it, get tired, and call again! She gives me great cuts, though, that are more stylish than anything I would pick out and they always look cute growing out. Go Julie!) Picked up new sandals for the kids at Payless. Great sale. Big feet. My 9 year old boy is wearing men's sizes! Argh. I dread the growth spurts that await my sweet baby.

Later on we had our first summery day! Some of the neighborhood kids were around, and my little girl and her little friend down the street in their little girl bathing suits . . . I know, there are those who might be jealous of 80 degree weather in March, the first hose play, the first ice cream from the "cheesy" truck. Sweet and fun, but check back in 5 months when the temps are 102 with 30 percent humidity and we'll compare notes! I'll not be so pleasant then!!!

I was bummed that I couldn't find a new dress for Kaitlin, though. Everything was either too cheap looking, too revealing, or too sappy. I should have looked sooner, I suppose. I usually make a new dress. This is the first year I haven't. Shoot . . . her dress from last year still fits, so why do I feel guilty? I have some material, a ice-cream orange and raspberry plaid (kind of the colors of this graphic set). . . maybe I can throw a simple jumper together? We'll see. I don't know where this urge comes from. I can't figure out who I am completing with. Maybe myself. What a sap, eh? I guess I feel inadequate in other areas, I figure at least my daughter might remember that I made her dresses? Hmmmm? I'll have to do some soul searching on this one. Or not.

Lots going on - don't know why I feel so verbose. Worried a bit about Henry. He's been so negative lately. I think with me being sick and all, he's feeling left out and maybe a little picked on, since his activity level must conform to mine. In other words, we go less places and have fewer visitors if Mamma is sickiepoo. Poor kid. I promised the kids we'd do something fun when I get better. Maybe a matinee or lunch and the library? Don't know. We'll see. Must go sleeeeeeeeep.