I was feeling like Eeyore today. "Oh well, [in monotone Eeyore voice] haveta go get groceries, haveta clean the house . . . . " and then Jenn called! How cool was that? I had a great time talking on the phone - and a tough time shutting up for Jenn to get a word in edgewise! Sorry Jenn! I try so hard to let others talk, but I get excited and the rest is history! LOL! You sound so cute and I can't believe we talked for almost 2 hours! Send me a bill. And of course the minute we got off the phone, I thought of a thousand things to ask about. Well, maybe not a thousand! Anyway, they'll wait until next time. Now I'm all jazzed up and want to go shopping or something. Not exactly conducive to getting the housework done, but maybe I can squeeze in a Costco run? We'll see.