I am running out of steam! Made it to the market today and I think that is about all I can manage. Oh, and a coupla loads of laundry. Please excuse me, but my butt hurts! Doc says it'll be another biggun and we were "full size" last week. That means at least a 10 pounder or larger, folks. Please pray for me. My poor hubby and kids - they are currently at my mercy and it ain't pretty! LOL! Two more weeks to go, approx.
We are in Dinotopia mode here this week - dd, 4.5, LOVES dinosaurs and so we are letting the kids stay up to watch the whole miniseries (this may be contributing to the afore-mentioned mood?! LOL!) Kaitlin is romping around the house playing dinosaur and gets this silly grin on her face when caught at it. cute. Ummm . . . I think ds is mainly going along with it because it means he gets to stay up late, too. cute. But uh, I just realized, that means they are staying up til 10pm mon - tue - wed yikes! (Wed. because of a double header Enterprise we let ds watch.) I think I'll put them to bed at 8 for the rest of the week just to get my wits back.
I am crazy-like trying to create a new set flip=flopping back and forth between MS Image Composer and Jasc's PSP7. Learning a little as I go - esp. being able to save a decent transparent image with psp, but so confused about layers etc. (By the time I figure it out, I won't like the set anymore!) I suppose I'll get it eventually, but my free trial runs out in 10 days! I think I will just buy it on faith because I hear so many good things about it. Any words of wisdom? Oh, hey - anyone know why you can't an item as a psp image and then load it up to Frontpage? Is it just to save it to work on later? There are so many more file types available in PSP. I'll figure it out.
Nap time. Snore. Rollover. More snore.