
I suppose an update is in order!!!

Kaitlin is much better. We tried a new breathing med which seems to work without making her so fidgety. Once her breathing got better, her high fevers reduced and her stomach got better so she is eating again. It is this huge cascade thing and she gets high fevers and we can't get tylenol in her or much more than tiny sips of water - it's a scary time. But I figure she's ok because she's had two popcicles and a handful of cheese-its this morning. I think she'll have normal lunch today. ;-) Thanks, Eva, for asking about her!

I am so torn today - I need to do the bills and the kids room is a fiasco but I wanna create - oh no who will win? Also have a meeting for Masterworks at 3 - trying to decide whether to just skip it or take the baby and show off. I'll just see how the day progresses.

Good news! I won the Graphic Goo September contest!!! Ok - I tied for second with a pretty bad score. I thought I did so well - LOL! But still, it was cool! This was a good idea for a contest - several members were asked to create a web set and we got to guess whose was whose. I am dying to find out which and how many I got right, or should I say, wrong. That was fun!!!