So am I totally on fire, or what!?!
"Dear Sir or Madam:
During the month of May 2002, I was prescribed by Dr. C-- to have several Fetal Non-Stress tests due to Gestational Diabetes and Lupus. On July 18th, when it became apparent that these claims were not being billed consistently, I contacted L-- at WGA--. She informed me that BMH- - had not been correctly billing these claims under the aforementioned diagnoses. She suggested that I contact the billing department at BMH--, inform you of the errors and provide her fax number to expedite resubmission of said claims.
On July 18th, I spoke with S-- at BMH--, who assured me that these claims would be re-billed properly by T--. To date, I have no record of any such action on the part of anyone at BMH--. In fact, we have been repeatedly harassed by the collection company currently in use by BMH--, despite our complaints to the collection company as well as the BMH-- Billing Department and despite the fact that these claims are in dispute. I assure you that no payments will be made until the claims are all re-processed correctly. Please rectify this situation immediately."
Sizzle! TSSSSSSsss . . . . can't touch me!